Past Grants
- MOD(UK) - systematic reviews of interventions to prevent influenza in healthy adults
- Roche UK Ltd - cost of illness study of the burden of influenza.
- BMA Roscoe Fellowship - systematic review of the effects of antivirals for the common cold.
- UK HTA programme - systematic review of the effects of zanamavir.
- EU - systematic review of safety of MMR vaccines.
- EU - systematic review of the economics of pneumococcal vaccines.
- WHO - systematic review of evidence of safety of Hepatitis B vaccines.
- WHO - systematic review of evidence of safety of aluminium in DTP vaccines.
- Glaxo SmithKline Ltd - systematic review of evidence of safety and effectiveness of DPT vaccines.
- NHS R&D programme - systematic review of the effects of peer review. An update was commissioned in May 2004.
- Regione Piemonte, Italy – systematic reviews of the effects of influenza vaccines in children and elderly and quality studies and their publication on high impact factor journals.
- Netherlands Health Council (safety of Hepatitis B vaccine update review)
- DH (UK)/NIHR Cochrane review update incentive scheme (several awards)
- Lazio Public Health Agency – systematic review of the epidemiology of S.Pneumoniae
- DH (UK) National coordinating Centre for Methodology
- WHO - Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses: systematic review .
- UK NIHR – Developing, updating and rewriting the Cochrane review on Neuraminidase Inhibitors exclusively based on regulatory information.
- Cochrane - Methods Innovation Fund (MIF) 2014-17 to develop a methodology for summing up evidence of effectiveness, efficiency and safety using regulatory information and data from different sources, both regulatory and open source.
- Arnold Foundation – RIAT centre