In the past I have carried out research for the

Ministry of Defence UK (suite of Cochrane reviews on viral and arthropod borne fevers prevention),

NICE (HTA of zanamivir for influenza),

Roche (the economics of antivirals neuraminidase inhibitors),

EU (systematic review of evidence of safety of MMR vaccines and of the economics of pneumococcal vaccines),

WHO (systematic review of evidence of safety of Hepatitis B vaccines),

Glaxo SmithKline (systematic review of evidence of safety and effectiveness of DPT vaccines),

Sanofi – Synhtelabo (Development of Pleconaril),

Istituto Superiore di Sanita’ and ASSR (now Agenas), (coordinator of the national clinical guidelines project) (see below),

Netherlands Health Council (safety of Hepatitis B vaccine update review),

IMS Health (Antidiabetic drugs) the Piemonte Region of Northern Italy  (suite of Cochrane reviews on influenza vaccines),

Agenzia di Sanita’ Pubblica Lazio – Public Health Agency of Lazio Region (guidelines implementation trial project and coordination of a two cluster randomised trials of guidelines implementation, on behalf of the UK’s Technology Assessment Programme I updated two reviews on the effects of editorial peer review.

I have been involved in a 5 year update and rewrite of his Cochrane review on Neuraminidase Inhibitors exclusively based on regulatory information. (HTA – 10/80/01 Update and amalgamation of two Cochrane Reviews: neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults and children—

I am a member of the editorial base of the Cochrane Acute Respiratory Infections Group.

Reviewer, Cochrane Infectious Diseases, Acute Respiratory Infections, Hepato-biliary, Airways and Colorectal Cancer Groups.

Director, Health Reviews Ltd, my own company.

Member, editorial, board of Recenti Progressi in Medicina and BMC Health Services Research.

Peer reviewer for BMJ, Lancet, JAMA, JAMA Internal Medicine, CMAJ, New England Journal of Medicine, Vaccine and Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (CCOHTA) Emerging Technology bulletins.

I am an Academic Editor, PLOS ONE (2013-17) and have been a contributor to Last’s Dictionary of Epidemiology (4th edition).

I do anonymous market access consultancy interviews for various pharmaceutical companies.

Between 1996 and 2009 I was the Co-ordinator of the Cochrane Vaccines Field and 1999 and 2012 I was honorary Research Fellow at the UK Cochrane Centre.

In 2011-13, I acted as an expert witness in a litigation case related to  the antiviral oseltamivir, in two litigation cases on potential vaccine-related damage and in a labour case on influenza vaccines in healthcare workers in Canada. In 2016-17 I was a member of an independent data monitoring committee for a Sanofi Pasteur clinical trial on an influenza vaccine and a member of three advisory boards for Boerhinger Ingelheim (on bronchodilator drug), Takeda (cardiovascular drug) and Bayer (blood replacement).

 As part of my HTA activity I have interviewed, collaborated and interacted with scores of clinicians in both primary and hospital care both in Italy and the rest of Europe. Over the past thirty years, I have worked in most therapeutic and prevention areas. Also as part of my Italian HTA and scientific activity I have interacted with patient organisations and have considerable knowledge of the regional Italian structure and its workings thanks to my role as consultant to Agenas.

The HTA report output is accessible at:

The Horizon scanning output is accessible at:

Since 2017 I am a  member of the Italian MoH National Immunisation Technical Advisory Group (NITAG).