Books & Book Chapters
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V, MUGFORD M. Elementary Economic Evaluation in Health Care. London: BMJ Books 1996.
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V, MUGFORD M. Elementary Economic Evaluation in Health Care (Second Edition). London: BMJ Books 2000)ALSO TRANSLATED INTO JAPANESE AND ITALIAN)
- GODLEE F, JEFFERSON TO (Editors). Peer Review in Health Sciences. London: BMJ Books 1999
- JEFFERSON TO, DEEKS JJ. The use of systematic reviews for peer reviewing. In: GODLEE F, JEFFERSON TO (Editors). Peer Review in Health Sciences. London: BMJ Books 1999.
- WAGER E, GODLEE F, JEFFERSON TO. How to survive peer review. London, BMJ Books 2002. (ALSO GERMAN VERSION PUBLISHED)
- GODLEE F, JEFFERSON TO (Editors). Peer Review in Health Sciences. Second edition. London: BMJ Books 2003. (SECOND EDITION)
- JEFFERSON T. Attenti alle bufale. Roma: Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2005.
- JEFFERSON T. Attenti alle bufale. Roma: Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2006 (SECOND EDITION)
- JEFFERSON T. Attenti alle bufale e ai Mandriani. Roma: Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2008
- JEFFERSON T. Come Leggere uno Studio Controllato Randomizzato. Roma: Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2012 (ALSO ARABIC VERSION PUBLISHED)
- TOM JEFFERSON, EMANUELA GROSS, DAVID FRATI. Aviaria Influenza dei Polli. Roma: Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2006
- TOM JEFFERSON. Antivirals for the common cold. In Eccles R, Weber O. Common Cold. Brihauser Advances in Incetious Diseases. Berlin 2009
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V. The socioeconomics of influenza. In Nicholson, Hay and Webster (editors): Textbook of Influenza. London: Blackwell 1998 pages 541-47.
- JEFFERSON T. Cattive Acque. Roma: Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2007 (Translation and annotation into Italian of John Snow’s on the Mode of Communication of Cholera, 1855)
- JEFFERSON T. Health Technology Assessment. Roma: Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2011
- DOSHI P, JEFFERSON T. Disclose Data Publicly, without Restriction. In Davis L, Miller JD, Sharfstein JM, Kesselheim AS. Blueprint for transparency at the US Food and Drug Administration. Winter 2017. Pages 42-45. DOI: 10.1177/1073110517750611.
- Courtney Davis, Shai Mulinari, and Tom Jefferson. Data Transparency and Pharmaceutical Regulation in Europe: Road to Damascus, or Room without a View? In: Transparency, Power and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Policy Gain or Confidence Game? Edited by Katherine Fierlbeck, Janice Graham and Matthew Herder. University of Toronto Press, Toronto 2021. Pages 65 to 94.
- Tom Jefferson. The European Registration of the Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Pandemrix: A Case Study of the Consequences of Poor Clinical Data Transparency In: Trasparency, Power and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Policy Gain or Confidence Game? Edited by Katherine Fierlbeck, Janice Graham and Matthew Herder. University of Toronto Press, Toronto 2021. Pages 219 to 242.