Publications & Reports
Editorial and Grant Peer Review
- JEFFERSON TO, SMITH R, DRUMMOND MF, KALE R, YI Y, PRATT M.Evaluating the BMJ guidelines on economic submissions: prospective audit of economic submissions to the BMJ and Lancet. Paper presented at the Third International Congress on Peer Review in Biomedical Publication, Prague 18-20 September 1997.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V, HUTTON J. The use of systematic reviews for peer reviewing. Poster presented at the Third International Congress on Peer Review in Biomedical Publication, Prague 18-20 September 1997.
- JEFFERSON TO Redundant publication in biomedical sciences. Scientific misconduct or necessity? Science and Engineering Ethics 1998; 4:135-40. (See Corrigenda in Science and Engineering Ethics 1998; 4:392).
- GODLEE F, JEFFERSON TO (Editors). Peer Review in Health Sciences. London: BMJ Books 1999
- JEFFERSON TO, DEEKS JJ. The use of systematic reviews for peer reviewing. In: GODLEE F, JEFFERSON TO (Editors). Peer Review in Health Sciences. London: BMJ Books 1999.
- WAGER E, JEFFERSON TO. Shortcomings of peer review in biomedical journals. Learned Publishing 2001; 14:257-63.
- JEFFERSON TO, ALDERSON P, DAVIDOFF F, WAGER E. Editorial peer review for improving the quality of reports of biomedical studies (Cochrane Methodology Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2003. Oxford: Update Software.
- JEFFERSON TO, ALDERSON P, DAVIDOFF F, WAGER E. Effects of editorial peer review: a systematic review. JAMA 2002; 287:2784-2786.
- JEFFERSON TO, WAGER E, DAVIDOFF F. Measuring the quality of editorial peer review. JAMA 2002; 287:2786-2790.
- WAGER E, GODLEE F, JEFFERSON TO. How to survive peer review. London, BMJ Books 2002.
- JEFFERSON T, DEMICHELI V, VALE L. Educating authors and reviewers of economic evaluations of health care. JAMA 2002 Aug 28;288(8):959 (Letter to the Editor).
- JEFFERSON TO, SHASHOK K. Journals: how to decide what’s worth publishing. Nature 2003; 421:209-10.
- JEFFERSON TO, SHASHOK K, WAGER E. Get Peered! BMJ 2003. (Christmas issue).
- GODLEE F, JEFFERSON TO (Editors). Peer Review in Health Sciences. Second edition. London: BMJ Books 2003.
- JEFFERSON TO. The role of editorial peer review in the evaluation of vaccine safety. Vaccine 2004; 22: 2073-75.
- JEFFERSON TO. Glossary of peer review. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2004; 58:272.
- JEFFERSON T. Peer review and publishing: it’s time to move the agenda on. The Lancet 2005; 366:283-284. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)66968-1.
- JEFFERSON T. Attenti alle bufale. Roma: Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2005.
- JEFFERSON T. Alternative models of quality control for scientific research. Nature 2006 (
- JEFFERSON T. Attenti alle bufale. Roma, Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2005
- JEFFERSON T, RUDIN M, BRODNEY FOLSE S, DAVIDOFF F. Editorial peer review for improving the quality of reports of biomedical studies. The Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews 2006, Issue 1. Art. No.: MR000016.pub2. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.MR000016.pub2.
- TOM JEFFERSON, LUCIA ZARRA, AND LIVIU STOICA. Attenti Alle Bufale (‘Beware of Red Herrings’), or, How to Make Evidence-Based Medicine Work for You
J. R. Soc. Med. 2006 99: 625-627. - TOM JEFFERSON AND LUCIA ZARRA. Bufala spotting, part one: assessing research papers J. R. Soc. Med. 2007 100: 38-39.
- TOM JEFFERSON AND LUCIA ZARRA. Bufale spotting, part two: assessing systematic reviews J. R. Soc. Med. 2007 100: 180-181.
- TOM JEFFERSON AND LUCIA ZARRA. Bufale spotting, part three: assessing editorials. J. R. Soc. Med. 2007; 100(6): p. 267
- TOM JEFFERSON AND LUCIA ZARRA. Bufale Spotting, part 5: Assessing a website. J. R. Soc. Med. 2007; 100(8): p. 367
- TOM JEFFERSON AND LUCIA ZARRA. Bufale Spotting, part 7: Assessing an advert. J. R. Soc. Med. 2007; 100(11): p. 502
- TOM JEFFERSON AND LUCIA ZARRA. Bufale Spotting, part 9: assessing an economic evaluation. J R Soc Med. 2008; 101(4): p. 175-176.
- JEFFERSON T. Should journals sell reprints? BMJ 2011;343:d6448 doi: 10.1136/bmj.d6448
- Tom Jefferson and Peter Doshi: RIP PubMed commons BMJ Blogs
Addressing Reporting Bias - Access to And Use of Regulatory Documents in Systematic Reviews
- DOSHI P, JONES MA, JEFFERSON T. Rethinking credible evidence synthesis. BMJ 2012; 344:d7898 doi: 10.1136/bmj.d7898
- Drug Data Shouldn’t Be Secret. By PETER DOSHI AND TOM JEFFERSON. The New York Times, April 10, 2012
Shortened URL: - DOSHI P, JEFFERSON T, DEL MAR C (2012) The Imperative to Share Clinical
Study Reports: Recommendations from the Tamiflu Experience. PLoS Med
9(4): e1001201. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001201
Short URL: PDF for printing: - JONES M, HAMA R, JEFFERSON T, DOSHI P. Neuropsychiatric Adverse Events and Oseltamivir for Prophylaxis Drug Saf 2012; 35 (12): 1187-1190.
- DOSHI P, JEFFERSON T. The first 2 years of the European Medicines
Agency’s policy on access to documents: Secret no Longer. Arch Intern
Med. Published online December 19, 2012. doi: - DOSHI P, JEFFERSON T. Clinical study reports of randomised controlled trials: an exploratory review of previously confidential industry reports. BMJ Open. 2013 Feb 26;3(2):e002496. and - DOSHI P, DICKERSIN K, HEALY D, VEDULA SS, JEFFERSON T. Restoring invisible and abandoned trials: a call for people to publish the findings BMJ 2013; 346 doi: (Published 13 June 2013).
- CHAN A-W, SONG F, VICKERS A, JEFFERSON T, DICKERSIN K, GØTZSCHE PC et al. Increasing value and reducing waste: addressing inaccessible research. The Lancet, Volume 383, Issue 9913, Pages 257 – 266, 18 January 2014.
- doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62296-5.
- JEFFERSON T, DOSHI P. EMA’s double U-turn on its Peeping Tom policy for data release. BMJ Blog 2014.
- JEFFERSON T, DOSHI P, LEMMENS T. EMA’s data sharing policy—towards peeping tom based medicine? BMJ Blog 2014.
- JEFFERSON T, JONES MA, DOSHI P, DEL MAR CB, HAMA R, THOMPSON MJ, ONAKPOYA I, HENEGHAN CJ. Risk of bias in industry-funded oseltamivir trials: comparison of core reports versus full clinical study reports. BMJ Open 2014;4:e005253-e005253
- JEFFERSON T. EMA’s release of regulatory data—trust but verify BMJ Blogs
- JEFFERSON T. EMA’s Release of Regulatory Data: Possible Fall out for Journals and Research Synthesis.
- TOM JEFFERSON AND PETER DOSHI: Thanksgiving special—menus needed at the EMA’s restaurant
- PETER DOSHI and TOM JEFFERSON. The Evidence Base for New Drugs (editorial). Published: 2 March 2015; BMJ 2015;350:h952.
- TOM JEFFERSON. The EMA revolution gathers pace
- Are we ready for the EMA revolution?
- EMA confidential—the EMA continues consultation on its 0070 policy and concerns appear
- KHALED EL EMAM, TOM JEFFERSON, PETER DOSHI. The release of regulatory documents under EMA policy 0070: Now you see them, now you don’t.
- DOSHI P, JEFFERSON T. Open data 5 years on: a case series of 12 freedom of information requests for regulatory data to the European Medicines Agency. Trials (2016) 17:78 DOI 10.1186/s13063-016-1194-7.
- PETER DOSHI & TOM JEFFERSON. Access to clinical trial data from the European Medicines Agency.
- JEFFERSON T. Facing the unreliability of clinical trials literature. Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin of Navarre, Spain. 2015;23(2).
- DAVIS C, LEXCHIN J, JEFFERSON T, GØTZSCHE P, MCKEE M. “Adaptive pathways” to drug authorisation: adapting to industry? BMJ 2016;354:i4437 doi: 10.1136/bmj.i4437 (Published 16 August 2016). Download free here
- Tom Jefferson: The EMA’s policy 0070 is live BMJ blogs
- DOSHI P, HUR P, JONES M, ALBARMAWI H, JEFFERSON T, MORGAN DJ, SPEARS PA, POWERS JH. Informed consent to study purpose in randomized controlled trials of antibiotics, 1991-2011. JAMA Intern Med. Published online August 21, 2017. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2017.3820
- DOSHI P, JEFFERSON T. Disclose Data Publicly, without Restriction. In Davis L, Miller JD, Sharfstein JM, Kesselheim AS. Blueprint for transparency at the US Food and Drug Administration. Winter 2017. Pages 42-45. DOI: 10.1177/1073110517750611.
- JØRGENSEN L, GØTZSCHE PC, JEFFERSON T. Index of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine industry clinical study programmes and non-industry funded studies: a necessary basis to address reporting bias in a systematic review. Systematic Reviews 2018 7:8.
- JEFFERSON T, JØRGENSEN L. Redefening the “E” in EBM. BMJ Evidence Based Medicine. 10.1136/bmjebm-2018-110918.
- JØRGENSEN L, GØTZSCHE PC, JEFFERSON T. The Cochrane HPV vaccine review was incomplete and ignored important evidence of bias. BMJ Evidence Based Medicine. Published Online First: 27 July 2018. doi: 10.1136/bmjebm-2018-111012.
- JEFFERSON T, JØRGENSEN L. Human papillomavirus vaccines, complex regional pain syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, and autonomic dysfunction – a review of the regulatory evidence from the European Medicines Agency. Indian J Med Ethics. Published online on October 17, 2016.
- HODKINSON A, DIETZ KC, LEFEBVRE C, GOLDER S, JONES M, DOSHI P, HENEGHAN C, JEFFERSON T, BOUTRON I, STEWART L. The use of clinical study reports to enhance the quality of systematic reviews: a survey of systematic review authors. Systematic Reviews 2018. 7:117.
- JØRGENSEN L, DOSHI P, GØTZSCHE P, JEFFERSON T. Challenges of independent assessment of potential harms of HPV vaccines BMJ 2018; 362 doi: AND VACCINES
- Tom Jefferson. How Cochrane is doing pharma a good turn.
- DOSHI P, JEFFERSON T, JONES M ET AL. Call to action: RIAT restoration of a previously unpublished methodology in Gardasil vaccine trials.
- Protocol available at: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/234KW
- DOSHI P, JEFFERSON T, JONES M ET AL. Additional trials within scope: a follow-up to our “Call to action: RIAT restoration of a previously unpublished methodology in Gardasil vaccine trials”.
- JEFFERSON T (2019). Sponsorship bias in clinical trials – growing menace or dawning realisation? JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation. (
- DOSHI ET AL. Adjuvant-containing control arms in pivotal quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine trials: restoration of previously unpublished methodology. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 2020.
- JØRGENSEN, L., GØTZSCHE, P.C. & JEFFERSON T. Benefits and harms of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines: comparison of trial data from clinical study reports with corresponding trial register entries and journal publications. Syst Rev 9, 42 (2020).
- JEFFERSON T, DEMASI M, DOSHI P. Statins for primary prevention: what is the regulators role? Evid. Based Med. 2020 0: p. bmjebm-2019-111321v1-bmjebm-2019-111321.
- JEFFERSON T. Refining the “E” in EBM. BMJ Evidence Based Medicine.
- DOSHI P, BOURGEOIS F, HONG K, ET AL. Adjuvant-containing control arms in pivotal quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine trials: restoration of previously unpublished methodology. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine Published Online First: 17 March 2020. doi: 10.1136/bmjebm-2019-111331 AND SRS - JEFFERSON, T. (2020). Sponsorship bias in clinical trials: growing menace or dawning realisation? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 113(4), 148–157.
- JEFFERSON, T. Refining the E in EBM. Evid. Based Med. 2020 0: p. bmjebm-2020-111348v1-bmjebm-2020-111348 T - Adjuvant-containing control arms in pivotal quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine trials: restoration of previously unpublished methodology. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 2020;25:213-219.
- DEMASI M, JEFFERSON T. Placebo—the Unknown Variable in a Controlled Trial. JAMA Intern Med. Published online February 22, 2021. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.8670
- TANVEER S, ROWHANI-FARID A, HONG K, ET AL. Transparency of COVID-19 vaccine trials: decisions without data BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine Published Online First: 09 August 2021. doi: 10.1136/bmjebm-2021-111735
- DOSHI, P., HONG, K., TANVEER, S. et al. Assessing Muscle-Related Adverse Events in Randomized Trials of Statins. J GEN INTERN MED (2022).
Acute Respiratory Infections, Epidemiology, Antivirals, Vaccines and NPIs
- CAROLI G, JEFFERSON T O. Wedding Party with S.Haifa. Annali Sclavo. 1978; 20: 959-962.
- CAROLI G, JEFFERSON T O. Finding of E.Coli Phage in Urinary Tract Infections. Annali Sclavo. 1980; 22: 857-860.
- JEFFERSON T O. The Prevention of AIDS: Some Principles for the Inception and Assessment of a Health Education Campaign. Rivista Italiana d`Igiene 1988; 48: 3-11.
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V, CAROLI G. Nesso tra Casi di Leucemia Infantile e Centrale Nucleare di Sellafield (U K): un Puzzle Epidemiologico. Rivista Italiana d`Igiene 1990 3-4: 178-191.
- BISOGNI L, JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V, LOMOLINO G, PACELLI G. Studio della prevalenza delle infezioni ospedaliere in un ospedale generale di zona. Rivista Italian di Antibioticoterapia per la pratica 1991; 4: 159-63.
- DEMICHELI V, LOMOLINO G, JEFFERSON T O. Audit nei servizi di Igiene Pubblica: l`opinione dei cittadini sugli interventi per incovenienti igienici. Atti del IV Congresso Nazionale della Societa` Italiana di VRQ, Pavia 22-25 Settembre 1991, pagina 66. Editrice Periodici 1991.
- DEMICHELI V, LOMOLINO G, JEFFERSON T O. La qualita` delle iniziative di formazione: l`aggiornamento del personale sul problema delle infezioni ospedaliere. Atti del IV Congresso Nazionale della Societa` Italiana di VRQ, Pavia 22-25 Settembre 1991, pagina 81. Editrice Periodici 1991.
- DEMICHELI V, LOMOLINO G, JEFFERSON T O. L`apporto della Economia Sanitaria alla qualita` delle decisioni. La determinazione del costo della sofferenza.Atti del IV Congresso Nazionale della Societa` Italiana di VRQ, Pavia 22-25 Settembre 1991, pagina 106. Editrice Periodici 1991.
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V. Economic evaluation of Influenza vaccination and economic modelling. Can results be pooled? Pharmaeconomics 1996; 9 Suppl 3: 67-72.
- TOM JEFFERSON, RUTH FOXLEE, CHRIS DEL MAR, LIZ DOOLEY, ELIANA FERRONI, BILL HEWAK, ADI PRABHALA, SREE NAIR, AND ALEX RIVETTI. Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses: systematic review. BMJ. 2008; 336(7635): p. 77-80
- JEFFERSON T, DEL MAR C, DOOLEY L, FERRONI E, AL-ANSARY LA, BAWAZEER GA, VAN DRIEL ML, FOXLEE R, RIVETTI A. Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses: systematic review. BMJ. 2009 Sep 21;339:b3675. doi: 10.1136/bmj.b3675. Review.
- DEL MAR CB, DOOLEY L, FERRONI E, AL-ANSARY LA, BAWAZEER GA, ET AL. Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020;(11):CD006207.
Other Publications and Reports
- JEFFERSON T O. Personal View. BMJ. 1982; 284: 1328
- JEFFERSON T O, COHEN C. Familial Siringomyelia with Mental Impairment. J R Army Med Corps. 1982; 128: 41-42.
- JEFFERSON T O, REIDY A J. Incidence of Instrumental Deliveries in Primigravidae of 3 Different Ethnic Groups. J R Army Med Corps. 1983; 129: 46-47.
- REIDY A J, JEFFERSON T O, KENNEDY P M D. Some Haematological Data on Pregnant Gurkha Women. J R Army Med Corps. 1984; 130: 20-21.
- JEFFERSON T O. Physical Fitness and Smoking Patterns in a Gurkha Battalion. J R. Army Med Corps. 1986; 132: 168-172.
- JEFFERSON T O, RASOR P A. Non Simulated Casualty Workload in 2 Field Hospital During Exercise “Bold Gannett”. Giornale di Medicina Militare. 1985; 135: 265-268.
- JEFFERSON T O, TAYLOR V M. Perinatal mortality in infants of two different ethnic groups. Family Practice 1985; 2:175-176.
- JEFFERSON T O. (Anonymous) Mea culpa. Update. 1985; 31: 932.
- JEFFERSON T O. Patterns of smoking in 2 infantry battalions. British Army Review. 1986; 82: 84.
- JEFFERSON T O. A Camera in general practice (Ota’s Naevus). Update. 1987; 35: 237.
- KENNEDY P M D, JEFFERSON T O, REIDY A J. Growth in Gurkha Infants. Family Practice. 1986; 3: 54.
- JEFFERSON T O. Buon Natale (Letter to the Editor). J Royal Coll Gen Pract.1986: 291.
- OLLIER W, FENSTENSTEIN, JEFFERSON T O. HLA Antigens in Nepalese. Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Oceania Histocompatibility Conference, Sapporo 1986.
- JEFFERSON T O. The Prevention of AIDS: Some Principles for the Inception and Assessment of a Health Education Campaign. Rivista Italiana d`Igiene 1988; 48: 3-11.
- JEFFERSON T O. An Investigation of Medical Discharges from the British Army 1979-1986. J R Army Med Corps. 1989; 135: 115-123.
- JEFFERSON T O, BRAND H, LEVRE` E, CAROLI G. The Personal Prevention of Malaria. Rivista Italiana d`Igiene 1989; 430: 443-450.
- JEFFERSON T O, CAROLI G, MOLINARI G, PEIRONE A P. Public Health and Community Medicine in England. Rivista Italiana d`Igiene 1989; 49: 226-238.
- BASNET I, HADYAPANIOTOU C, JEFFERSON T O, MILLS A. Abortion Services in Wandsworth (MSc Field Service Attachment). London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 1988.
- TAYLOR L E, JEFFERSON T O, CAROLI G . Water Supply Engineering and Public Health in the United Kingdom. Rivista Italiana d`Igiene 1990; 50: 81-93.
- JEFFERSON T O. An Investigation into Regular Recruit Wastage from the British Army, 1988. J R Army Med Corps 1990; 136: 138-145.
- TAYLOR L E, JEFFERSON T O, CAROLI G. The Water Supply of London. Rivista Italiana d`Igiene. 1990; 3-4: 169-177.
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T O, AMPOLA M, CAROLI G, PEIRONE A P. Il Lay Belief System. Nota 1: Lo Studio del Comportamento Sanitario. Rivista Italiana d`Igiene 1990; 3-4: 134-150.
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T O. Le Conseguenze Economiche della Salmonellosi. Antibioticoterapia per la pratica. 1991; 2: 73-81.
- JEFFERSON T O. First Aid Training. An Appraisal. The Soldier’s Longest Journey. J R Army Med Corps. 1991; 137: 27-30.
- JEFFERSON T O. Procedures for the collection and bottling of mineral waters -Guidelines for handlers. Rivista Italiana d`Igiene 1990; 5-6: 496-8.
- DEMICHELI V, LOMOLINO G, JEFFERSON T O. Affermazioni di consenso e verifica della qualita`. Atti del IV Congresso Nazionale della Societa` Italiana di VRQ, Pavia 22-25 Settembre 1991, pagina 107. Editrice Periodici 1991.
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T O. Cost-benefit analysis of the introduction of mass vaccination against Hepatitis B in Italy. Journal of Public Health Medicine 1992; 4: 367-375. (Paper presented to the third European Health Services Research Meeting – University College London, 13 – 14 December 1991).
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T O. Manuale di Programmazione e organizzazione Sanitaria. Quaderni di Epidemiologia 17. La Goliardica Pavese, Pavia 1992.
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V, LOMOLINO G. Problemi di Valutazione epidemiologica nelle piccole catastrofi ambientali. Il caso di Camelford in Cornovaglia. Tecnica Sanitaria 1993 (in press).
- JEFFERSON T O. Public Health Aspects of the war in Yugoslavia. Public Health 1993; 107: 75-8.
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V, WRIGHT D A. An economic evaluation of the introduction of vaccination against Hepatitis A in a peace-keeping operation. The case of the United Nations Protection Force in Yugoslavia (UNPROFOR). International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 1994; 10:490-97. Poster presented at the Fifth European Health Services Research Conference at Maastricht, (December 1993).
- DEMICHELI V, LOMOLINO G, JEFFERSON T O. Audit of an environmental service in Italy. Proceedings of the Summer Conference of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine, 1992, Eastbourne, Sussex, Inghilterra.
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V. The costs of disease – a look at world literature. Presented at the “Meeting Internazionale sui costi delle malattie e della Salmonellosi”, Pavia University (5-6 April 1993) (in press).
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V. Is vaccination against Hepatitis A and B cost-effective? A preliminary look at world literature. Presented at the “Meeting Internazionale sui costi delle malattie e della Salmonellosi”, Pavia University (5-6 April 1993) (in press).
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V. Is vaccination against Hepatitis B efficient? A review of world literature. Health Economics 1994; 3:25-37. Paper presented at the Fifth European Health Services Research Conference at Maastricht, (December 1993).
- JEFFERSON T O. Public Health and the war in Yugoslavia. In McKee M (ed): Health for all in a changing Europe. HFA 2000 News 1993; 25:4-5.
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T O. Cost-benefit analysis of the introduction of mass vaccination against Hepatitis B in Italy (letter to the Editor). Journal of Public Health Medicine 1993; 14: 289-290.
- JEFFERSON T O, MUGFORD M, GRAY A, DEMICHELI V.Puchasers and cost-effectiveness of interventions. Are secondary economic evaluations possible? Abstract presented at the Second Cochrane Colloqium, Hamilton, Ontario, October 1994.
- JEFFERSON T O, BEHRENS R, DEMICHELI V. Should British soldiers be vaccinated against Hepatitis A? An economic analysis. Vaccine 1994; 12:1379-83.
- JEFFERSON T O, PIERCE B, DEMICHELI V. Economic burden of an outbreak of a communicable disease of unknown aetiology in a military unit. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 1994; 48:423. (letter to the Editor).
- AKEHURST R, GRAY A, BUXTON M, CHALMERS I, DONALDSON C, CHURNSIDE R, FENN P, FORBES J, GRIFFIN J, HOWARD S, JEFFERSON T, MC GUIRE A, MUGFORD M, O’BRIEN B, OXMAN A, TOWSE A. Assembling information in reviews of randomised controlled trials for subsequent cost-effectiveness analysis. Oxford: UK Cochrane Centre, Workshop Report, November 1993.
- JEFFERSON T O, MACMILLAN A H M. Whither diplomatosis? Whither APHOM? J Royal Army Med Corps 1994 (letter to the editor).
- JEFFERSON T O, MUGFORD M, DEMICHELI V. QALY league tables. Health Economics 1994; 3:205. (letter to the editor).
- MUGFORD M, JEFFERSON T O, SOLL R. A Secondary Systematic Review to Assess whether and how results of randomised controlled trials of surfactant treatment for neonatal RDS can be used to inform questions of cost-effectiveness. Abstract presented at the Second Cochrane Colloqium, Hamilton, Ontario, October 1994.
- MUGFORD M, McGUIRE A, JEFFERSON T O. Results of a survey of health economists on generalising from economic evaluations.
- JEFFERSON T O, MUGFORD M, GRAY A, DEMICHELI V. An exercise on the feasibility of carrying out secondary economic analyses. Abstract presented at the Second Cochrane Colloqium, Hamilton, Ontario, October 1994.
- JEFFERSON T O. Environmental problems for workers abroad. In: Berhens R H, Riley W (editors). Caring for expatriates and workers abroad. Health issues and ethical dilemmas. Proceedings of an international meeting organised by the British Postgraduate Medical Federation the Hospital for Tropical Diseases and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. British Postgraduate Medical Federation, London 1994.
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V. A panel priority rating exercise for the British Forces Germany Health Services Market Test. J Royal Army Med Corps 1995; 141:29-34.
- Emilia costing study: valutazione dell’impatto economico della salmonellosi umana. Mecosan 1995; 11:8-15.
- KESTELOOT K, UYL-DE-GROOT, WAIT S. European School of Oncology advisory report to the Commission of the European Communities for “Europe Against Cancer Programme” – cost-effectiveness in cancer care. European Journal of Cancer 1995; 31:1410-24.
- JEFFERSON T O. Book Review – A Literature Review of the Cost-Effectiveness of
- Nuclear Medicine by Jan Carter. King’s Fund Centre. London: 1995. BMJ 1995.
- JEFFERSON T O. Book Review – The Measures of Medicine: Benefits, Harms and
- Costs by Richard K Riegelman. Blackwell Science. London: 1995. BMJ 1995.
- JEFFERSON T O. The Army and the Cochrane Collaboration (editorial). J Royal Army Med Corps 1995; 141:57-58.
- JEFFERSON T O. Book Review – Outcomes into Clinical Practice by T Delamothe (editor). BMJ Publishing Group. London: 1994. J Royal Army Med Corps 1995; 141:57-58.
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V. Studi economici sulle riviste mediche: e’ tempo di pensare a linee guida. Mecosan 1995; 13: 8-12.
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V, ENTWISTLE V. Assessing quality of economic submissions to the BMJ. BMJ 1995; 311:393-94 (letter to the editor).
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V. Are guidelines for peer-reviewing economic evaluations necessary? A survey of current editorial practice. Health Economics 1995; 4:383-88.
- SASSI F, DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T O. Systematic Review and synthesis of economic studies. Paper presented at the Scientific Basis of Health Services conference. London 2-4 October 1995.
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V, MACMILLAN A H M. Epidemiological needs assessment in the British Army. Poster presented at the Scientific Basis of Health Services conference. London 2-4 October 1995.
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T O. Le salmonellosi e lo studio dei costi delle malattie. In De Palma A, Novaco F, Orlandi L (editors). Le salmonellosi: epidemiologia, costo economico e strategie di intervento. Regione Emilia-Romagna, Assessorato alla Sanita’, Bologna 1995; 6-12.
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V. The costs of disease – a look at world literature. In De Palma A, Novaco F, Orlandi L (editors). Le salmonellosi: epidemiologia, costo economico e strategie di intervento. Regione Emilia-Romagna, Assessorato alla Sanita’, Bologna 1995; pages 70-74.
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T O. Presentazione dello studio sulla valutazione delle conseguenze economiche della salmonellosi umana in Emilia-Romagna. In De Palma A, Novaco F, Orlandi L (editors). Le salmonellosi: epidemiologia, costo economico e strategie di intervento. Regione Emilia-Romagna, Assessorato alla Sanita’, Bologna 1995; 90-93.
- SASSI F, DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T O. Pooling cost data from systematic reviews of economic studies. Poster presented at the Third Cochrane Colloquium, Oslo, Norway, 4-8 October 1995.
- JEFFERSON T O. The quest for trials on the efficacy of human vaccines: results of the handsearch of the Vaccine journal. Poster presented at the Third Cochrane Colloquium, Oslo, Norway, 4-8 October 1995.
- JEFFERSON T O. Book Review – Chalmers I, Altman DG. Systematic reviews BMJ
- Publishing Group. London: 1995. J Royal Army Med Corps 1995; 141:179
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V, MACMILLAN A H M. Pilot study of the introduction of the J95 health data collection system. J Royal Army Med Corps 1996; 142:25-29.
- JEFFERSON T O, JEFFERSON V M. The quest for trials on the efficacy of human vaccines. Results of the handsearch of “Vaccine”. Vaccine 1996; 14: 461-64.
- DRUMMOND M F, JEFFERSON T O for the BMJ Working Party on guidelines for authors and peer-reviewers of economic submissions to the British Medical Journal. Buxton M Demicheli V, Donaldson C, Jönsson B, Mugford M, Rennie D, Rovira J, Rutten F, Schulman K, Smith R, Tonks A, Torrance G, Towse A). Guidelines for authors and peer-reviewers of economic submissions to the British Medical Journal. BMJ 1996; 313:275-83 (3 August).
- JEFFERSON T O, MUGFORD M, GRAY A, DEMICHELI V. An exercise on the feasibility of carrying out secondary economic analyses. Health Economics 1996;5:155-165.
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V, MUGFORD M. Elementary Economic Evaluation in Health Care. London: BMJ Books 1996.
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T O. Economic aspects of vaccination (Editorial). Vaccine 1996;
- JEFFERSON T O. Economic evaluations as an aid to decisions on whether to carry out trials – Commentary. Lancet 1996; 348: 141 (20 July).
- JEFFERSON TO, ROMANO G, DEMICHELI V. La valutazione dell’impatto economico di incidenti tossinfettivi alimentari: problemi metodologici e prospettive italiane. L’Igiene Moderna 1996; 105:993-1003.
- DEMICHELI V, RIVETTI D, JEFFERSON TO. Economic aspects of a small epidemic of Hepatitis A in a religious community in Northern Italy. Journal of Infection 1996; 33:87-90
- JEFFERSON TO (Book Review). Medical Informatics……the essentials. By F T de Dombal. Butterworth Heinemann. Oxford: 1996. J Royal Med Corps 1997;143:64.
- JEFFERSON T O. New and not so new vaccines- Editorial. BMJ 1996;313:768 (28 September 1996).
- The effectiveness of vaccines against Hepatitis B in healthcare workers. In Gluud C, J¢rgensen T, Morabito A, Pagliaro L, Poynard T, Sutton R (eds). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Issue 4. Update Software 2001.
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON TO, PRATT M, BEHRENS R, GRAVES P, BOTTASSO F, RIVETTI D, MACMILLAN A, MORRIS C. The effects of Anthrax vaccines. In Garner P, Gelband H, Oliaro P, Salinas R (eds). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Update Software 2001, Issue 4.
- MILLER SAStJ, JEFFERSON TO. Military Health Surveillance. J Royal Med Corps 1997; 143:3 (editorial)
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON TO, PRATT M, BEHRENS R, GRAVES P, BOTTASSO F, RIVETTI D, MACMILLAN A, MORRIS C. The effects of Plague vaccines. In Garner P, Gelband H, Oliaro P, Salinas R (eds). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Issue 4. Update Software 2001. DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON TO, PRATT M, BEHRENS R, GRAVES P,
- BOTTASSO F, RIVETTI D, MACMILLAN A, MORRIS C. The effects of vaccines against Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE). In Garner P, Gelband H, Oliaro P, Salinas R (eds). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Update Software 2000, issue 4.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V, PRATT M. Evidence-based vaccinology. The work of the Cochrane Vaccines Field. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 1998;52:207-208.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V. A systematic review of world literature on the economics of influenza. Information and News on Influenza. European Scientific Working Group on Influenza. 1997; 7:6
- RIVETTI D. DEMICHELI V, DEEKS J, JEFFERSON TO, PRATT M. The effectiveness and safety of vaccines against human anthrax: a systematic review. Vaccine 1998; 16:880-84.
- GRAVES PM, DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON TO, DEEKS JJ, PRATT M. The effects of cholera vaccines. In Garner P, Gelband H, Oliaro P, Salinas R (eds). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Update Software 2000, Issue 4.
- JEFFERSON TO. Vaccine trial data systematically assembled, pooled and disseminated by the Cochrane Collaboration. Vaccine 1998; 16:1487-95.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V. No evidence that vaccines cause insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 1998; 52: 674-675.
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T O. An exploratory review of the economics of recombinant vaccines against Hepatitis B (HB). In: Ronchi E (Editor) Biotechnology and Medical innovation: Socio-economic assessment of the technology, the potential and the products. OECD, Paris 1997 pages 105-123.
- HUTTON J, JEFFERSON TO. Assessing the potential cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccines: methodological issues and current evidence. Abstract 1998.
- WRIGHT LA, DEMICHELI V, GILLESPIE WJ, JEFFERSON TO. Morbidity surveillance in the British Army – the first 12 months. J R Army Med Corps 1998; 144:11-17.
- JEFFERSON TO. An introduction to Health Economics. Epidemiology Supercourse on the Web (editor R LaPorte, University of Pittsburgh) 1998.
- JEFFERSON TO, DRUMMOND MF, SMITH R, YI Y, PRATT M, KALE R. Evaluating the BMJ guidelines on economic submissions – Prospective audit of economic submissions to the BMJ and Lancet. JAMA 1998; 280:275-77.
- JEFFERSON TO. Vaccines and their adverse effects – real or perceived (editorial). BMJ 1998; 317:159-60.
- JEFFERSON TO. Economic evaluation alongside the UK collaborative ECMO trial (commentary). BMJ 1998; 317:915-6.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V. The socioeconomics of influenza. In Nicholson, Hay and Webster (editors): Textbook of Influenza. London: Blackwell 1998 pages 541-47.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V. Relation between experimental and non-experimental study designs.HB vaccines: a case study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 1999; 53:51-54.
- DEMICHELI V, RIVETTI D, DEEKS JJ, JEFFERSON TO. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2003. Oxford: Update Software.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V, DEEKS JJ, RIVETTI D. Neuraminidase inhibitors for influenza. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Acute Respiratory Infections Module); Oxford: Update Software 2003, Issue 1.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V, DEEKS JJ, RIVETTI D. Amantadine & rimantadine for influenza. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Acute Respiratory Infections Module); Oxford: Update Software 2003, Issue 1.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V. Methodological quality of economic modelling studies: a case study with hepatitis B vaccines. Pharmacoeconomics 1998; 14:251-7.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V, DEEKS JJ, RIVETTI D. Cochrane reviews and systematic reviews of economic evaluations: the case of amantadine and rimantadine in the prevention and treatment of influenza. In: Snacken R, Szucs TD (editors). The socioeconomics of influenza and its control measures. Pharmacoeconomics 1999; 16: S85-S98.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V. J95-EPINATO based planning parameters for medical support to operations other than war (OOTW). J R Army Med Corps 1998; 144:72-78.
- HUTTON J, IGLESIAS C, JEFFERSON TO. Assessing the potential cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccines: methodological issues and current evidence. Drugs and Aging 1999 15 Suppl 1:31-36.
- JEFFERSON TO. What are the costs and benefits of editorials and non-systematic reviews? BMJ 1999; 318:135. (Personal View) (9 January).
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V, DEEKS JJ, RIVETTI D. Prevention and early treatment of influenza in healthy adults. Vaccine 2000; 18:957-1030.
- JEFFERSON TO, MEIER CR, WEGMÜLLER Y. The impact of influenza on adults. Poster presented at the 21st International Congress of Chemotherapy, Birmingham, UK, 4-7 July 1999. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 1999 4(Suppl): 43. Abstract P10. (Winner of the 21st International Congress of Chemotherapy Young Investigators Award)
- JEFFERSON TO, WEGMÜLLER Y, BARKER C, WARD P. Influenza in the workplace: effect of Oseltamivir on ability to perform usual activities and attendance at work. Poster presented at the 21st International Congress of Chemotherapy, Birmingham, UK, 4-7 July 1999. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 1999 4(Suppl): 46. Abstract P23.
- JEFFERSON TO, RABINOVICH R, TUOMILEHTO J. Vaccines and their real or perceived adverse effects – authors’ conclusions are at odds with investigators’. BMJ 1999; 318:1487 (letter to the editor).
- JEFFERSON TO. Should the topics of Cochrane Reviews be Prioritised? Abstract presented at the seventh Cochrane Colloquium, Rome 4-7 October 1999.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V. Should we Review Single Interventions or All Comparators in a Decision-Making Context? Abstract presented at the seventh Cochrane Colloquium, Rome 4-7 October 1999.
- JEFFERSON TO, MILAN S. How are the topics of Cochrane Reviews decided? Abstract presented at the seventh Cochrane Colloquium, Rome 4-7 October 1999.
- JEFFERSON TO. Do vaccines make best use of available resources? (In other words are they cost-effective?). In: Furminger I (editor): 4th European Conference on Vaccinology: the societal value of vaccination. Vaccine 1999; 17:S69-73.
- JEFFERSON TO. Real or perceived adverse effects of vaccines and the media – a tale of our times (Editorial). Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2000; 54:402-3.
- JEFFERSON TO. Economic and non-economic factors in evaluating prevention versus treatment. Abstract of talk given at the AAAS Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Symposium (Abstract A 51). Washington DC 17-22 February 2000.
- COLORECTAL CANCER COLLABORATIVE GROUP. Palliative chemotherapy for advanced colorectal cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 2000; 321:531-5.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V, DEEKS JJ, RIVETTI D. Prevention and early treatment of influenza in healthy adults. Vaccine 2000; 18:957-1030.
- JEFFERSON T O, DEMICHELI V, MUGFORD M. Elementary Economic Evaluation in Health Care. Second Edition. London: BMJ Books 2000.
- HEIJBEL H, JEFFERSON TO. Vaccine Safety – Improving monitoring. Vaccine 2001; 19:2457-60.
- JEFFERSON TO. Comment: Efficacy and safety of the oral neuraminidase inhibitor Oseltamivir in treating acute influenza. A randomised controlled trial. Evidence-based healthcare 2000; 4:94.
- MEIER CR, NAPALKOV PN, WEGMUELLER Y, JEFFERSON T, JICK H. Population-based study on incidence, risk factors, clinical complications and drug utilisation associated with influenza in the United Kingdom. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2000;19(11):834-842.
- JEFFERSON TO, HEIJBEL H. Demyelinating disease and Hepatitis B vaccination – Is there a link? Drug Safety 2001; 24(4):249-54.
- JEFFERSON TO. Monitoring the safety of vaccines: methodological challenges. Paper presented at the 8th Annual meeting of the European Society of Pharmacoviglilance. Verona, Italy 21-23 September 2000. Abstract number 45.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V. The quality of methods of economic evaluations in healthcare: time for action (editorial). BMJ 2002; 324:313-4. (9 February).
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V, VALE L. The quality of systematic reviews of economic evaluations in healthcare and what they are telling us: it is time for action. JAMA 2002; 287:2809-2812.
- BURLS A, CLARK W, STEWART T, PRESTON C, BRYAN S, JEFFERSON T, FRY-SMITH A. Zanamivir for the treatment of influenza in adults. NHS HTA Programme, London: 2002; Vol 6: No 9.
- JEFFERSON TO, TYRRELL D. Antivirals for the Common Cold (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2003. Oxford: Update Software. OL
- JEFFERSON TO, TYRRELL D. Vaccines for the Common Cold (Protocol for a Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2003. Oxford: Update Software.
- SPIER R, JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V. An editorial policy statement. Submission of economic evaluations of vaccines. Vaccine 2002; 20:1693-1695.
- JEFFERSON TO. Advances in the diagnosis and management of influenza. Current Infectious Diseases Reports 2002; 4: 206-10.
- JEFFERSON TO, BIANCO E, DEMICHELI V. Influenza vaccines in adults. Occupational Medicine 2002; 52(5):255-58.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V, VALE L. Methodological quality of economic evaluations of health care interventions – evidence from systematic reviews. In: Donalson C, Mugford M, Vale L (editors). Evidence-based Health economics: from effectiveness to efficiency in health care. London BMJ Books 2002. Pages 67-88.
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON TO, VALE L. Effectiveness estimates in economic evaluation. In: Donalson C, Mugford M, Vale L (editors). Evidence-based Health economics: from effectiveness to efficiency in health care. London BMJ Books 2002. Pages 89-98.
- JEFFERSON T, RUDIN M. 1st International Symposium on the Evaluation of Safety of Human Vaccines. Expert Opin Drug Saf 2002; 1(2):195-98.
- JEFFERSON TO, TRAVERSA G. Hepatitis B vaccination: risk-benefit profile and role of systematic reviews in the assessment of causality of adverse events following immunisation. Journal of Medical Virology 2002; 67;451-53.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V. Polysaccharide Pneumococcal Vaccines. Editorial. BMJ 2002 (in press).
- JEFFERSON TO, PRICE D, DEMICHELI V. Unintended Events following immunisation with MMR: a systematic review. Phamacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2002; 11:S286 (abstract).
- JEFFERSON TO, RUDIN M, DIPIETRANTONJ C. systematic review of the effects of DTP vaccines in children with or without inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). Phamacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2002; 11:S285 (abstract).
- MELE A, JEFFERSON T, FRANCO E, SALMASO S. Change from oral poliovirus vaccine to inactivated poliovirus vaccine. The Lancet 2002; 360:1178 (12 October).
- BONHOEFFER J, KOHL K, CHEN R, DUCLOS P, HEIJBEL H, HEININGER U, JEFFERSON T, LOUPI E and The Brighton Collaboration. The Brighton Collaboration: addressing the need for standardized case definitions of adverse events following immunization (AEFI). Vaccine 2002; 21:298-302.
- DEMICHELI V, RIVETTI A, DI PIETRANTONJ C, CLEMENTS CJ, JEFFERSON T. Hepatitis B vaccination and multiple sclerosis – Evidence from a systematic review. Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2003; 5:343-4.
- JEFFERSON TO, RUDIN M, DIPIETRANTONJ C. Systematic review of the effects of pertussis vaccines in children. Vaccine 2003 2003; 21(17-18):2012-2023.
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V. Economic Analysis on infleunza vaccination and treatment. Annals of Internal Medicine 2003; 138(7):607 (letter to the Editor).
- MELE A, JEFFERSON TO. The use of Hepatitis A vaccine in Italy – evidence-based recommendations from an expert panel. Vaccine 2003; 21:2223 (editorial).
- JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V. Observational data on harm are already included in systematic reviews. BMJ 2003; 327:750.
- JEFFERSON TO, PRICE D, DEMICHELI V, BIANCO E. Unintended Events following immunisation with MMR: a systematic review. Vaccine 2003; 21(25-26):3954-60.
- MATERIA E, BAGLIO G, CANONACO,D, JEFFERSON T, MELE A, MARCHISIO P, DI DOMENICANTONIO R, GUASTICCHI G. Promoting clinical and organizational appropriateness of tonsillectomy in Italy. European J Public Health 2003; 13: 86 (Supplement. Abstracts of the 11th Annual EUPHA Meeting Globalisation and health in Europe: harmonising public health practices, Roma 20-22 November 2003.)
- JEFFERSON TO, RUDIN M, DIPIETRANTONJ C. Adverse events following immunization with aluminium-containing DTP vaccines – systematic review of the evidence. Lancet Infect Dis 2004; 4: 84–90.
- JEFFERSON T. Informed choice and balance are victims of the MMR-autism saga. Lancet Infect Dis 2004; 4: 135-36.
- JEFFERSON T, PRICE D, DEMICHELI V, BIANCO E. Selective quotation of evidence in vaccines research. Lancet 2004; 363: 1738 (letter to the Editor).
- JEFFERSON TO, Demicheli V. The first international symposium on vaccine safety. Vaccine 2004:22: 2042-43.
- PERRIA C. For the IMPLEMEG Study Group (Pierluigi Bartoletti, Paolo Billi, Virgilio Calzini, Maurizio D’Amato, Alfonso Fiorillo, Gabriella Guasticchi, Carmelina Guerriera, Giuseppe Grasso, Tom Jefferson, Sergio Leotta, Donatella Mandolini, Walter Marrocco, Mazzieri Scheggi, Amina Pasquarella, Carla Perria, Concetta Suraci). Strategies for the introduction and implementation of a guideline for the treatment of type 2 diabetics by general practitioners (GPs) of the Lazio region of Italy (IMPLEMEG study): Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial [ISRCTN80116232]. BMC Health Services Research 2004, 4:13 (14 Jun 2004) - JEFFERSON TO, RUDIN M, DIPIETRANTONJ C. Reply to the letter to the Editor Vaccine 2004; 22(21-22):2685.
- JEFFERSON TO. Bioterrorism and compulsory vaccination. Better vaccines are needed if vaccination is to be made compulsory. (Editorial). BMJ 2004; 329: 524-25. (4 September)
- JEFFERSON TO. What are we to do about influenza? (Editorial). BMJ 2004; 329: 633-4.
- SMITH S, DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T, HARNDEN A, MATHESON N, DI PIETRANTONJ C. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy children (Protocol for a Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2004. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- RIVETTI D, DEMICHELI V, DI PIETRANTONJ C, JEFFERSON TO, THOMAS R. Vaccines for preventing influenza in the elderly (Protocol for a Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2004. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- JEFFERSON TO. How to deal with influenza: Author’s reply. BMJ 2004;329:1238, doi:10.1136/bmj.329.7476.1238-b
- BIANCO E, DE MASI S, MELE A, JEFFERSON T. Effectiveness of imuneglobulins in preventing infectious hepatitis and hepatitis A: a systematic review. Digestive and Liver Disease 2004; 36: 834-42
- JEFFERSON TO, Demicheli V, Price D. Informed choice, balance and the MMR-autism saga (authors’ reply). The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2005; 5(1):3-4.
- JEFFERSON T, SMITH S, DEMICHELI V, HARNDEN A, RIVETTI A, DI PIETRANTONJ C. Assessment of the efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines in healthy children: systematic review. Lancet 2005; 365:773-80 (26th of February).
- JEFFERSON T. L’applicazione della medicina basata sulle prove alla tomoscintigrafia a emissione di positroni (PET). Decidere in Medicina 2005; 2:34-40.
- JEFFERSON T, SMITH S, DEMICHELI V, HARNDEN A, RIVETTI A. Influenza vaccines in healthy children – authors’ reply. The Lancet 2005; 385:2087.
- JEFFERSON T. Microbial challenge studies of volunteers—a challenge worth accepting. Lancet 2005 (in press) commentary.
- JEFFERSON T, SMITH S, DEMICHELI V, HARNDEN A, RIVETTI A. Safety of influenza vaccines in children. Lancet 2005; 366:803-04.
- JEFFERSON T, RIVETTI D, RIVETTI A, RUDIN M, DI PIETRANTONJ C, DEMICHELI V. Efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines in the elderly: systematic review. Lancet 2005 ; 366:1165 -1174.
- Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Jones M, Di Pietrantonj C, Rivetti A. Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review. The Lancet 2006; 367: 303-13. Published Online January 19 2006; DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(06) 67970-1.
- THOMAS RE, JEFFERSON TO, DEMICHELI V, RIVETTI D. Influenza vaccination for health care workers who work with the elderly: A systematic review. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2006; 6:273-79.
- JEFFERSON T, FERRONI E, CURTALE F, GIORGI ROSSI P, BORGIA P. S. pneumoniae in Western Europe: serotype distribution and incidence in children less than 2 years old. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2006; 6:405-10.
- JEFFERSON T, FRATI D, GRASSO E. Aviaria: influenza dei polli? Roma: Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2006
- JEFFERSON T. The prevention of seasonal influenza – policy versus evidence. BMJ 2006; 333:912-15.
- JEFFERSON T. Influenza. Clinical Evidence 2006.
- D RIVETTI, T JEFFERSON, R THOMAS, M RUDIN, A RIVETTI, C DI PIETRANTONJ, V DEMICHELI. Vaccines for preventing influenza in the elderly. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD004876. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004876.pub2.
- Jefferson T. Look at all the evidence before stockpiling Amantadine. BMJ 2007; 334:439 (letter to the editor).
- TO Jefferson, D Rivetti, C Di Pietrantonj, A Rivetti, V Demicheli. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD001269. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001269.pub3.
- CARLA PERRIA, DONATELLA MANDOLINI, CARMELINA GUERRERA, THOMAS JEFFERSON, PAOLO BILLI, VIRGILIO CALZINI, ALFONSO FIORILLO, GIUSEPPE GRASSO, SERGIO LEOTTA, WALTER MARROCCO, CONCETTA SURACI AND AMINA PASQUARELLA. Implementing a guideline for the treatment of type 2 diabetics: results of a Cluster- Randomized Controlled Trial (C-RCT) [ISRCTN80116232]. BMC Health Services Research 2007, 7:79 (04 Jun 2007).
- TO JEFFERSON, D RIVETTI, C DI PIETRANTONJ. Inactivated influenza vaccines in the elderly—are you sure? (Comment). The Lancet (Published Online September 25, 2007, DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(07)61389-0).
- T JEFFERSON. Cattive Acque. Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore. 2007
- T JEFFERSON, A RIVETTI, A HARNDEN, C DI PIETRANTONJ, AND V DEMICHELI. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 1 Jan 2008: p. CD004879
- C CATES, T JEFFERSON, AND B ROWE. Vaccines for preventing influenza in people with asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 1 Jan 2008: p. CD000364.
- TOM JEFFERSON. More cases, doctor? Yes please! Cases J 16 Jul 2008 1(1): p. 38.;18631383
- TOM JEFFERSON. Darkness falls. BMJ. 2008; 337(nov12_1): p. a2501
- Inactivated influenza vaccines: Methods, policies, and politics. J Clin Epidemiol 2008; 1-10.;19124222 doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2008.07.001.
- T JEFFERSON, C DI PIETRANTONJ, MG DEBALINI, A RIVETTI, V DEMICHELI. Study quality, concordance, take home message, funding and impact. Their relationship in influenza vaccines studies. BMJ 2009 338(feb12_2): p. b354
- T JEFFERSON. Ranking antidepressants. Lancet 23 May 2009 373(9677): p. 1759;
- JEFFERSON T. Influenza. BMJ Clinical Evidence 2009.
- JEFFERSON T. Pneumococcal vaccines: confronting the confounders. The Lancet 2009; 373: 2008-09.
- TOM JEFFERSON. A brief history of shroud waving through the centuries. BMJ. 2009; 338(jun30_3): p. b2610
- HERXHEIMER A, CLARKE M, EDWARDS R, JEFFERSON T, LOKE Y. A/H1N1 flu. Time for case-control studies of NSAIDs and oseltamivir. BMJ. 2009 Jul 28;339:b3048. doi: 10.1136/bmj.b3048. No abstract available.
- T JEFFERSON, M JONES, P DOSHI, AND C DEL MAR. Possible harms of oseltamivir–a call for urgent action. Lancet 17 Oct 2009 374(9698): p. 1312. OL
- JEFFERSON, T. Guest Editorial: Mistaken identity: seasonal influenza versus influenza-like illness. Clinical Evidence 5 October, 2009. OL
- TOM JEFFERSON, MARK JONES, PETER DOSHI, AND CHRIS DEL MAR. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2009; 339(dec07_2): p. b5106. OL
- TOM JEFFERSON AND ELIANA FERRONI. The Spanish influenza pandemic seen through the BMJ’s eyes: observations and unanswered questions. BMJ. 2009; 339(dec16_3): p. b5313 OL
- TOM JEFFERSON. Neuraminidase inhibitors produce a small reduction in duration of seasonal influenza in children and reduce transmission in affected households, but effects on serious complications unclear. Evid. Based Med. 2010; 15(1): p. 20-21
- FERRONI E, JEFFERSON T (2011). Angelo Celli and research on the prevention of malaria at the turn of the 20th century. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation (
- THOMAS RE, JEFFERSON T, LASSERSON TJ. Influenza vaccination for health care workers who work with the elderly: a Cochrane review. Health Technology Assessment, H1N1 and pandemic flu A special themed issue of HTA, 2010;14(55):493-588. OL+HTA
- Cochrane Neuraminidase Inhibitors Review Team. Does Oseltamivir Really Reduce Complications of Influenza? Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2011 Dec 15;53(12):1302–3.
- JEFFERSON T, JONES MA, DOSHI P, DEL MAR CB, HENEGHAN CJ, HAMA R, THOMPSON MJ. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults and children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD008965. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008965.pub3.
- JEFFERSON T, JONES MA, DOSHI P, DEL MAR CB, HAMA R, THOMPSON MJ, et al. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults and children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD008965 DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008965.pub4
- HENEGHAN CJ, ONAKPOYA I, THOMPSON M, SPENCER EA, JONES M, JEFFERSON T. Zanamivir for influenza in adults and children: systematic review of clinical study reports and summary of regulatory comments. BMJ 2014; 348. DO 10.1136/bmj.g2547. UL
- JEFFERSON T, DOSHI P. Multisystem failure: the story of anti-influenza drugs. BMJ 2014;348. DOi 10.1136/bmj.g2263 UL
- JEFFERSON T, DEMICHELI V. Is the timing of recommended childhood vaccines evidence based? BMJ 2016; 352 doi: (Published 23 February 2016) Cite this as: BMJ 2016;352:i867.
- CARL J HENEGHAN, IGHO ONAKPOYA, MARK A JONES, PETER DOSHI, CHRIS B DEL MAR, ROKURO HAMA, MATTHEW J THOMPSON, ELIZABETH A SPENCER, KAMAL R MAHTANI, DAVID NUNAN, JEREMY HOWICK, TOM JEFFERSON. Neuraminidase inhibitors for influenza: a systematic review and meta-analysis of regulatory and mortality data. Health Technology Assessment . 2016 (in press)
- TOM JEFFERSON. Sticking to principles and anticipating outcomes. Recenti Prog Med 2017; 108: 347-49.
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T, FERRONI E, RIVETTI A, DI PIETRANTONJ C. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD001269. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001269.pub6.
- JEFFERSON T, RIVETTI A, DI PIETRANTONJ C, DEMICHELI V. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD004879. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004879.pub5.
- DEMICHELI V, JEFFERSON T, DI PIETRANTONJ C, FERRONI E, THORNING S, THOMAS RE, RIVETTI A. Vaccines for preventing influenza in the elderly. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD004876. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004876.pub4.
- JEFFERSON T, RIVETTI A DEMICHELI V. Why have three long-running Cochrane Reviews on influenza vaccines been stabilised?
- MAHTANI K, JEFFERSON T, HENEGHAN C, NUNAN D, AARONSON J. What is a ’complex systematic review’? Criteria, definition, and examples. 10.1136/bmjebm-2018-110965
- JEFFERSON T, DEMICHELI V, DI PIETRANTONJ C, RIVETTI D. Amantadine and rimantadine for influenza A in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006 , Issue 2 . Art. No.: CD001169. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001169.pub3.
- PETER DOSHI, TOM JEFFERSON, MARK JONES, JOHN H. POWERS III. Baloxavir: Roche’s new oseltamivir?
- TOM JEFFERSON, FLORENCE BOURGEOIS, KYUNGWAN HONG, MARK JONES, HAEYOUNG LEE, VINAY PRASAD, O’MAREEN SPENCE, PETER DOSHI. Re-analysis of mortality in HPV vaccine trials: systematic review. PROSPERO 2019 CRD42019122348 Available from:
- CARL HENEGHAN, TOM JEFFERSON. Gender-affirming hormone in children and adolescents. (Posted on 25th February 2019)
- JØRGENSEN, L., GØTZSCHE, P.C. & JEFFERSON, T. Benefits and harms of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines: systematic review with meta-analyses of trial data from clinical study reports. Syst Rev 9, 43 (2020).
- JØRGENSEN, L., GØTZSCHE, P.C. & JEFFERSON, T. Benefits and harms of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines: systematic review with meta-analyses of trial data from clinical study reports. Syst Rev 9, 43 (2020).
- JEFFERSON T. Covid 19—many questions, no clear answers.
- Viral Cultures, Cycle Threshold Values and Viral Load Estimation for Assessing SARS-CoV-2 Infectiousness in Haematopoietic Stem Cell and Solid Organ Transplant Patients: A Systematic Review